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AquaSafe - protection from water damage

Artikel: w-0402

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Artikelnummer: w-0402

EUR 24,95 incl. tax   
+ shipping costs
Block pricing:
from 2 Pcs.from 3 Pcs.from 6 Pcs.
EUR 23,70
EUR 22,45
EUR 21,21
Gros weight: 0.2 kg
Net weight: 0.15 kg
 » Additional Productview
The AquaSafe (Aqua Safe) is a small addition to our under-counter reverse osmosis unit WaterMaker Power. It reliably prevents water leakage in leaky pipes, casings or threads.

Leakage can occur faster than expected. If, for example, a thread is closed too tightly, the sealing rubber or even the thread itself can be damaged.

The system operates without electricity with a small tablet that very quickly swells on contact with small amounts of water and closes the valve. It is placed directly on the ground where any dripping water is collecting first.

Free shipping due to a order value of 100.00 when delivering to Germany.

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