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D-Light 1000 - Vitamin D drops 50 ml

Artikel: w-0289


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Artikelnummer: w-0289

EUR 19,95 incl. tax   
(40.71 €/100 g)
+ shipping costs
Block pricing:
from 2 Pcs.from 3 Pcs.from 6 Pcs.from 12 Pcs.
EUR 18,95
EUR 17,95
EUR 16,96
EUR 15,96
Gros weight: 0.06 kg
Net weight: 0.049 kg
 » Additional Productview
Vitamin D drops

Content: 50 ml (1500 drops @ 1000 IU). 1.5 million international units for an irresistible price.

Ingredients:Rapeseed oil, vitamin D3.

Nutritional value per 100 g (per serving 0,03 g): 242,5 kcal (12,1 kcal), carbohydrates: 0g, fat: 100 g (0,05 g), protein: 0 g, sodium: 0, fibre: 0 g.

Recommended use: 0,03 g (= 1 serving = 1 drop = 1000 International Units) per day. Nutripro Tag. Keep dry, cool, away from light and out of reach of small children. Supplements are no replacement for a balanced diet. Shelf life: 1 year after opening of the bottle. Take at least for 3 continuing months.

D-Light has an excellent price/performance ratio. We chose drops as serving form, because they have higher bioavailability than capsules, acording to customer feedback.

Free shipping due to a order value of 100.00 when delivering to Germany.

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