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SilenChi - Chi Machine

Artikel: w-0011

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Artikelnummer: w-0011

additional images:
EUR 299,00 incl. tax   special price!special price!   
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Block pricing:
from 2 Pcs.from 3 Pcs.from 6 Pcs.
EUR 284,05
EUR 269,10
EUR 254,15
Gros weight: 8 kg
Net weight: 7 kg
 » Additional Productview
SilenChi® is a strong and powerful chi machine, very silent and durable due to a mounting suspension with ceramic ball bearings. This makes it different fromall other conventional chi machines where the foot rest is oscillating on two rods which is a severe load for the gear.

Now inclusive: Chi Relax mat (item w-0013) worth 29,95 €.

Through the shop's comparison feature you can compare the SilenChi® to our other Chi Machines.

Free shipping due to a order value of 100.00 when delivering to Germany.

 We highly recommend for this item (note: partly already included in the product!):
  Relaxation CD FROM EUR 4.50  

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Write an online review to this article and communicate your thoughts to other customers! General notice regarding customer reviews: Experiences with a product can be very subjective. A direct transfer to other persons is not possible without question, a success cannot be guaranteed.

Critic Christa Krzepinski from Eschbach-Pfalz, Deutschland wrote at 09.09.2009

Das ist kaum zu glauben.
Ich habe seit Jahren Schulterschmerzen.
Machte zwar jeden Morgen orthopädische Übungen ? hat nicht viel geholfen.
Seit ich die Chi Maschine benutze, sind die Schmerzen weg. Das ist kaum zu glauben.

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